Grip Hardware Other
Square Stock & Accessories
1″ Square Stock (6′, 8′, 10′, 12′)Ears, Corners, Couplers for 1″ Square Stock
Matthews Matthpole PoleCatsRound Body Starter 3/8″ Male Thread
Chain Vice Grip
Castle Nut Wrench
3/4″ Combination Wrench
Flat Gel Frame Holder
Gel Frame Ear Extension (Set of 3)
Fluorescent Lamp Holder w/ 750 / Baby Pin (Single Tube Bulb Holder)
Fluorescent Lamp Dual Holder w/ 750 / Baby Pin (2 Tube Bulb Holder)
JakerPlat 4-Bank Fluorescent Lamp Holder w/ Kino Mount Plate (MyWay Plate equivalent)
Matthews Heavy Duty Telescoping Hanger w/ Stirrup (3′-6′, 4′-8′, 5′-10′)
MacGyver Clamp (3-1/2″ – 8″ I-Beam to Grid Clamp)
MacGyver Clamp (5″-14″ I-Beam to Grid Clamp)
Manfrotto Mega Boom Max
Matthews T-Bone
Matthews Crowder Hanger (No Nail Hanger)
Matthews Polito Bracket
Matthews Tree Branch Holder
Matthews Magic Finger
Matthews MICROgrip Rod
Matthews MICROgrip Head
Matthews Mini Matthellini Clamp (End Jaw)
Matthews Smartphone Adapter
2×4 Lumber Wall Spreader
2×6 Lumber Wall Spreader
Poultry Bracket (Pole, Tree Bracket)
2-Way Adjustable Sawhorse
Safety Chain
Sledge Hammer
Super Flex Arm
Ladder Bracket – Adjustable
5/8″ to 3/8″ Modern Pin (Norm Pin)