
Frosts offer unique diffusing qualities and levels of opaqueness that allow highlights to shine through while softening the edges and extending the wrap of harsher sources.

Frost TypeDescriptionStopsOverhead Sizes Available
Hi LiteClear frost made from a soft, vinyl material.2/3 stop6×6, 8×8, 12×12, 12×20, 20×20
Half Soft Frost ("Shower Curtain")Clear, vinyl material that offers a unique scattering of light and allows more light to transmit, minimizing light loss. Diffusion characteristics fall between 251 and 252.2 stops6×6, 8×8, 12×12, 20×20
Soft FrostWhite frost, made from a vinyl material, that offers a light soft glow and holds its diffusion properties even when wet, making it perfect for wet weather applications. Diffusion characteristics are similar to 216.3 stops6×6, 8×8, 12×12

Contact Us

129 W 27th St.
New York, NY 10001
(212) 502-0900

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8:30AM – 6:00PM

For rental inquiries, contact

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